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Betje zetten? Heb jij je spelgedrag onder controle?

Don't play games with your money

Betting on a sports match is an exciting game. But do you have your gaming behavior under control? Or is there still a chance that you will get into trouble?

Do you have experience placing bets on sports events? Unfortunately, that doesn't help you win. So be careful. And certainly don't play with money you can't afford to lose.

Loket Kansspel can help you if you have questions or want help.

Facts and numbers

  • The betting site always has an advantage over you as a player.
  • On average, online gamblers lose 160 euros per month.
  • Will you continue gambling to win back your lost money? Then you are probably addicted.
  • Young adults who are addicted to gambling are 15 times more likely to commit suicide.
  • People who bet drunk or stoned think they have a better chance of winning than they actually do.
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Its never too late

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experience with Loket Kansspel

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"The conversation really got to me"

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Everything I trusted wasn't right anymore

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